Emily Alexander

Pastoral Intern

Email: ealexander@whitememorial.org

Emily Alexander is a Master of Divinity Student at Duke Divinity, focusing on American Religious History, Spiritual Writing, and Pastoral Care. She has written on issues of faith and culture, and is expanding her genres to biography and institutional histories. In March she presented a historical paper on Anna Howard Shaw at Princeton Seminary’s World Christianity Conference held in Legon, Ghana. She loves all things religion, is passionate about cultivating meaningful communities, and has a special interest in how women understand themselves and God. Having grown up in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Emily considers the Blue Ridge Mountains home. She relocated to Durham from Chicago, where she spent 6.5 years braving Midwest winters and is grateful to be back in the land of sunshine and sweet tea. When not studying, you will find Emily hiking with her collie-dog named Preacher.