Convinced that our bodies are our gift from God, the ways we care for our physical selves becomes as important as the ways we care for our spiritual selves. WMPC offers a variety of clinics throughout the year, from the AARP Safe Driver course and CPR/AED training to blood drives and flu shot clinics.

Medical Equipment Loans

We have wheelchairs, transfer wheelchairs, walkers, Rollator walkers, shower chairs, hospital bed tables and commode chairs to loan.  We also take donations of good clean used medical equipment.

Mental Health & Wellness

This ministry seeks to promote mental wellness by building and sustaining a culture of love, help and hope through advocacy, support and education. As a part of that mission, we will strive to reduce the stigma of mental illness and addiction and to welcome and promote inclusion of all people in the life and leadership of this faith community.

Find more about the Mental Health & Willness Ministry

Healthcare Resources

This resource list is intended to assist in finding care, does not attempt to be comprehensive or exhaustive. These are not specific recommendations nor endorsements. WMPC encourages due diligence when choosing care for yourself or others.

Healthcare Resources

Campus Accessibility Map

If you have questions about campus accessibility contact, please contact Claire Cox-Woodlief (919-834-3425, ext. 202) during normal business hours.

Download Accessibility Map PDF

Aging Well

Aging Well provides a forum where participants can approach some of the most pressing questions which arise as we age. While for many, aging may reflexively signify fears of loss or the unknown, here in community at White Memorial, there is space to discuss both our joys and our concerns, sorrows and unanticipated growth. Experts like psychologists, physicians, pastors and laypeople will share what they have learned about the aging process.

Exercise Classes

Exercise classes are offered to help our members attain their health objectives. Fees apply for some exercise classes and are paid directly to the instructor. Other classes are offered free of charge. Please contact the individual instructor for information on the class.