WMPC has had a relationship with the Evangelical School of Theology-Educational Center (EWST) in Wroclaw, Poland since 2007. The mission of the WMPC Poland Committee is to nurture and strengthen this relationship through Mission Study/Service trips to Poland, through showing hospitality to and learning from EWST when staff members visit Raleigh, and by sharing prayer concerns and news. WMPC also provides some financial support for EWST programs and student scholarships.
The relationship began with WMPC members Tom and Linda Robinson, who have been involved with the Evangelical School of Theology-Educational Center (EWST) in Wroclaw, Poland since it’s inception in 1989. Tom was the treasurer for the International Board of EWST from 1999 to 2011. Linda Robinson and retired pastor Gary Fulton led the first WMPC Mission Study Trip to Poland in 2007. Retired WMPC senior pastor Art Ross joined the EWST board in 2011 and is currently serving as the board’s treasurer. WMPC has sponsored three additional Mission Study Trips to Poland since the first trip in 2007.
Contact Mariel Lee for more information.