Wednesdays 11:00 a.m. | Zoom

Lectio Divina is a contemplative way to read the Bible. It’s an ancient practice that means “holy reading.” In Lectio Divina, we slow down and listen for God’s word. We take time to listen for words or phrases from Scripture that stand out for us, and we listen for a call that God may be placing upon our lives. Associate Pastor Cate Church Norman and Pastoral Resident Anne Galliher will facilitate.

Centering Prayer is simply sitting in silence, open to God’s word and love. Prepare yourself by sitting in a quiet space, if you wish, light a candle and allow your mind and breath to slow down. Please mute your computer as we begin the opening reading.

We meet every Wednesday on Zoom from 11:00 a.m. to noon. Lectio Divina will take place 11:00-11:30, followed by Centering Prayer 11:30-noon. You are welcome to come to Lectio Divinia or Centering Prayer only, or stay for both. You will need to register to receive Zoom link.

Email Cate Church Norman for details.

Register to receive a Zoom Link.