Register Now for the 2024-25 Confirmation Class
Sundays | 9:30 a.m. | K200
Confirmation is a journey that provides youth with intentional opportunities to walk alongside peers and adults, to explore and discover together what it means to belong to God and to live a life of discipleship within our church community and the world. Typically, Confirmation occurs in a student’s eighth grade year.
Confirmands are broken into table groups with each small group having two adult mentors. In small table groups and as a large class, these youth participate in lessons, service projects, retreats and conversations.
At the end of the year, the confirmands are invited to make a public profession of faith and declare their intention to continue their faith journey as a full, active member of White Memorial Presbyterian Church. It is an essential ministry and milestone in this congregation and in the lives of the families who participate.
Contact Camile Schaaf, Administrative Assistant for Youth Ministry, with any questions.