We have enjoyed relationships with international mission partners in eight countries in several regions of the world through direct relationships with ministries and through relationships with missionaries of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Haiti Ministry
White Memorial’s Haiti Ministry has been active for many years through mission trips, projects and support of mission partners. We currently support families and children through Haiti Outreach Ministry, Family Health Ministry and through our Presbyterian missionary, Mark Hare.
Middle East Peace and Justice
The Middle East Peace and Justice Committee spearheads an effort to understand people of different cultures and religious backgrounds, by fostering relationships at home and abroad.
Poland Ministry
The purpose of the Poland Ministry is to develop our relationship with the Evangelical School of Theology-Educational Center (EWST) in Wroclaw through Mission Study/Service trips to Poland, through showing hospitality to and learning from EWST when staff members visit each other.

Refugee Resettlement
We join government refugee resettlement efforts to help those who have left their country due to warfare and persecution. The church members furnish apartments, provide transportation, and help with other daily activities as needed for the families to adjust to a new life.

Iglesia Santuario
Traveling to other countries to serve is not something everyone can or wants to do. Fortunately, there is a way to reach out in our own community. Iglesia Santuario, which meets at the former site of St. Barnabas Presbyterian Church at 1420 Carolina Pines Ave., is an immigrant New Worshiping Community that is our mission partner. This congregation consists of people from several Central American countries and is part of the 1001 New Worshiping Communities movement happening in our denomination, the PC (USA). They would welcome you to worship with them at 11:00 a.m. on a Sunday morning and attend special events at their church such as their annual fish fry. Through our Santuario Committee, we walk alongside and support Iglesia Santuario in its ministry in ways such as providing assistance in financial reporting, property maintenance, administration, education and summer programming. The committee also nurtures connections between our congregation and Santuario. This gives us a wonderful way to extend gracious hospitality and welcome while helping make this congregation feel part of our presbytery.
Global Outreach Blog Posts

Christmas Share: Alternative Giving at Its Best