Opportunities to Give

Good stewardship practices result in great generosity.
Generosity 2025

We want to begin by simply saying thank you. Your faithful generosity to White Memorial Presbyterian Church supports our long standing commitment to worship, embrace, and serve in the manner of Christ. You are part of a vibrant community at White Memorial where we love and care for one another and serve our broader community in the world.

Major Mission 2025 - Raleigh Rescue Mission

We are excited to announce that our Major Mission partner for 2025 is Raleigh Rescue Mission. As Raleigh Rescue Mission began to see more women experiencing situational homelessness walk through their doors, especially those with small children, they knew it was time to do something more.

White Memorial Presbyterian Church Foundation

Established in 1976 to identify and develop opportunities for planned giving, the purpose of the White Memorial Presbyterian Church Foundation is to strengthen and expand the ministries of White Memorial now and for future generations.