
What hours are the church offices open?

Ross Building
Monday – Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Access to the Ross Building after 2 p.m. will be by appointment only.

Monday – Thursday there is lobby and library access until 7:00 p.m. Call the church office to check on Saturday availability.

Telephone: 919-834-3424
After Hours Pastor On Call: 919-605-4593
Weekday School: 919-834-3425 ext. 240
Weather Hotline: 919-834-3425 ext. 315

How do I find out if inclement weather has impacted scheduled events?

Check our website or call 919-834-3425, and press 4 to hear announcements concerning weather cancellations.

Pastoral Services

Who do I call if there is a death in my family?

Call Lisa Crumpler at 919-834-3425 ext. 222. If you have an after-hours emergency, call the after hours pastor on call number at 919-605-4593.

Who do I call when my baby is born?

Call Lisa Crumpler at 919-834-3425 ext. 222.

How do I schedule a wedding at White Memorial? Do I have to be a member of the church?

Only church members and immediate family members of church members may schedule weddings at White Memorial. Scheduling demands do not permit us to accommodate non-member weddings. To schedule a wedding date, contact the pastor’s assistant, Lisa Crumpler, at 919-834-3425, ext. 222. Weddings are scheduled on a first come first served basis. A wedding guide is available for all potential wedding couples.

How do I schedule a baptism?

Call the pastor’s assistant, Lisa Crumpler, 919-834-3425, ext. 222, to schedule a date. Baptismal conferences are scheduled the week before the baptismal date. A booklet of information will be given to you at the baptismal conference.

How do I pre-plan a funeral?

A booklet entitled In Life and In Death We Belong to God is available by contacting Caroline Parker, the Coordinator for Pastoral Care.

Member Information

How do I update my address or contact information?

You can update your contact information by logging into our church management software, Realm, and making changes there. If you have questions call Elizabeth Viohl, at 919-834-3425, ext. 206.

Do I need reservations for Spaghetti Supper?

No! Just come.

Do I need reservations for Wednesdays Together?

Yes! Call the church office or click here to make your reservation online by Sunday night at 8:00 p.m.

How can I find out more about WMPC?

An excellent history of the church, written in celebration of the 50th anniversary on 1996, is available in the church library. To know more about the operational structure of the church, see the Manual of Operations, available in the church library.

Are there special jobs that I can volunteer to do?

Yes – our receptionists, ushers and greeters are volunteers. Volunteers maintain the Memorial Garden, keep the sanctuary neat, arrange and deliver flowers to shut-ins, assist with mass mailings, and stuff newsletters. Many help with youth trips or decorate bulletin boards. There are many ways to share your talents at White Memorial!

Contact: Elizabeth Viohl at 919-834-3425, ext. 206.

How can I support the church financially?

Gifts can be made to support the operating budget of the church by contacting the Director of Finance, Jody Grayson, at 919-834-3425, ext. 204.

Pledges and gifts may also be placed in the offering plate during a Sunday worship service.

How can I make a memorial gift?

Memorial gifts can be arranged by contacting the Director of Finance, Jody Grayson, at 919-834-3425, ext. 204.

Are there funds that support the work of the church to which I can contribute?

Yes – We have a list of funds to which you may contribute. Contact Jody Grayson, at 919-834-3425, ext. 204. for more information.

Worship Information

How do I get a copy of a sermon?

Most sermons can be found in video or audio format on our website.

How do I provide flowers for the sanctuary during worship services?

The Chancel Glorification Guild of White Memorial invites members to dedicate flowers for Sunday worship in celebration of a birthday or anniversary; in thanksgiving for or in memory of someone special; or just because you enjoy the flowers. To make a floral contribution, contact Lisa Crumpler at 919-834-3425 ext. 222 to coordinate available dates. Lisa can also provide a list of recommended florists familiar with our Sanctuary. The deadline for requesting flowers and publication of the dedication in the bulletin is noon two weeks proceeding the Sunday being requested.

Where do I park?

There is parking on McDonald Lane and in a lot off Colonial Road. There is additional parking off Dover Road across from the Sanctuary. If parking lots are full, please be a good neighbor when parking on the street. Do not park too close to driveways and intersections.

Facility Questions

How do I schedule a room at White Memorial?

Schedule meeting spaces by calling the Office Manager, Leigh Ann Dailey, at 919-834-3425, ext. 202. Outside groups may schedule space if they are a non-profit organization sponsored or supported by one of our church committees, on a space available basis. Priority is given to church programs.

How do rooms get set up for meetings, dinners, retreats, or other events?

When scheduling an event with our Office Manager, Leigh Ann Dailey, room setup requirements will be collected. Detailed setups are best handled in person by appointment with Colleen. When planning events that involve a meal, coordinate the meal with the Director of Food Services, Debra Watson.

How do I reserve audio-visual equipment such as a TV/DVD?

When scheduling your event,  request A/V with our Office Manager, Leigh Ann Dailey. You can also contact Gabe Spivey or 919-834-3425, ext. 250 to discuss A/V needs.

How do I get copies made?

Walk-up copies of a limited number can be made on the copier on the third floor of the Ross Building. Don’t hesitate to ask support staff for help or if you need a large number of copies.

Who may use a church van?

Vans are scheduled for use by any committee or ministry of the church. Drivers must be licensed in the state of North Carolina, be members of the Presbyterian Church, and be between the ages of 25 and 70.

Where is lost and found?

If you have left an article of clothing in the Knox or Luther Buildings, you may find it in the Lost and Found box located in the Ross lobby. Other items are generally brought to the Ross lobby and placed in the receptionist desk drawer or in the drawers of the secretary desk under the staircase. Clothing lost in the Ross or Calvin Buildings will also be in the secretary desk under the staircase.