Theologian in Residence: The Rev. Dr. Luke Powery

November 10

Sunday, November 10
Preaching: Sanctuary 9:30 a.m. & OnPoint 10:45 a.m.

Lunch and Learn with Rev. Dr. Luke Powery
Sunday, November 10
12:00-12:45 Lunch in Geneva Hall | 12:45-2:15 Lecture in Main Hall
Join us for lunch and a lecture from the Dean of Duke University Chapel, Rev. Dr. Luke Powery. His lecture is entitled “The Gospel and the Gift of Tears.” Cafe Carolina will provide boxed lunches for $13/person. Register by Friday, November 8 at noon to secure your lunch order. (You do not need to register for the lecture if you are not ordering lunch.)

Register to Order Lunch

We are excited to have the Rev. Dr. Luke Powery as our Theologian in Residence this fall on Sunday, November 10. Rev. Dr. Powery is the Dean of Duke University Chapel and Professor of Homiletics and African and African American Studies. He holds faculty appointments in Duke’s Divinity School and the Department of African and African American Studies in the Trinity College of Arts & Sciences. A national leader in the theological study of the art of preaching (homiletics), Dean Powery regularly delivers sermons at Duke Chapel as well as churches throughout the United States and abroad. His teaching and research interests are at the intersection of preaching, pneumatology, music, and culture, particularly expressions of the African diaspora. His book, Becoming Human: The Holy Spirit and the Rhetoric of Race, received the 2023 Book of the Year from the Academy of Parish Clergy.