Open Invitation Choir

November 10 9:00 am

The dates for O.I.C. this season, 2024-25 are:

• November 10
11/10: 9:00 a.m. rehearsal
11/10: 9:30 a.m. worship

• February 2
2/2: 10:30 a.m. rehearsal
2/2: 11:00 a.m. worship

• May 11
5/8: 7-8:30 p.m. rehearsal
5/11: 11:00 a.m. worship

O. I. C. Don’t you love an acronym?
Open Invitation Choir (O.I.C.) is a wonderful music ministry
• One 45-minute rehearsal, the Thursday preceding Sunday.
• Open to all ages and individuals. Also, it is ideal for entire families to participate.
• Unison (everyone sings the same melody) and Two-Part Harmony.
• No audition or reservation needed.

This opportunity will allow:
• Folks who’ve never sung in a choir before to “dip their toe in the water.”
• Those unable to attend weekly rehearsals, a chance to sing in a choir.
• Choir “alumni” to return to choir on an occasional basis.
• Congregants to be worship leaders.

Not everyone is able to engage in one of our bands or choirs on a weekly basis. By selecting
songs that are simple, yet beautiful and meaningful, we open another venue for those who
love and want to explore singing and singing in a group.

Questions? Contact Acting Director of Music Kirsten Homdrom for more information.