Our church library, located off the Ross Building lobby, offers a variety of resources for both children and adults, for personal exploration and enjoyment and for supporting church programs and leaders. The sections on Bible study, beliefs, church history, worship, and Christian life are extensive. The library is open whenever the Ross Building is open. An easy-to-use computer catalog is available for locating resources, and is now available online. Books can be borrowed on a self-checkout system.
Use the online catalog and see if the book you want is part of the library collection. Since we do not use the system to track circulation, you can not use the online catalog to see if a book is currently checked out. Use the catalog to select items of interest and then visit the Caldwell Library on the second floor of the Ross Building.
New Books Related to Mental Health
I Am Not Sick, I Don’t Need Help! How to Help Someone with
Mental Illness Accept Treatment by Xavier Amado
Understanding Mental Illness: A Comprehensive Guide to Mental
Health Disorders for Family and Friends by Carlin Barnes and
Marketa Wills
This Is My Story…Is This Your Story? Confronting Depression and
Suicide by Gilbert Campbell
What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and
Healing by Oprah Winfrey
On the Edge: Help and Hope for Parenting Children with Mental
Illness by Andrea Childreth
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the healing of
Trauma by Bessel van der Kolkata
Everything You Need to Know About Your Church Library
- To get to the Caldwell Library, come into the front door of the Ross Building, turn right and you’re there. The library is open whenever the Ross Building is open.
To find a specific book, go to the computerized card catalog. Directions are posted.
- If you like to browse: The large, main room contains an excellent collection of Bible commentaries and references, resources for Bible study, theology, church history, devotions, aging, parenting, marriage, grief and divorce recovery. The small room to the left just inside the door contains children’s easy books, juvenile books, adult fiction and biographies. The display areas present recent acquisitions and books of special interest. The library also has a small collection of CDs, videos, and large print books.
- The library subscribes to four periodicals displayed in a revolving stand: Presbyterian Outlook comes weekly and offers interesting news about Presbyterians, special articles and book reviews. Presbyterians Today is a monthly denominational publication. The Christian Century is a bimonthly magazine focused on theology, politics and culture. Horizon is a Presbyterian women’s periodical.
- To check out a book, print your name and telephone number on the book card. Stamp the card and book and leave the card on the desk. Most books are available for three weeks. To renew a book either leave a note in the library with your name and the book title for renewal, or email the library with the book title you wish to renew.
- If your book is overdue, you will receive a friendly phone call reminder. Later, you may receive a follow-up postcard.