Witness to the Resurrection for Edward Tomlinson Elam “Tom”
March 24 2:00 pm
“Baptism enacts and seals what the Word proclaims: God’s redeeming grace offered to all people. Baptism is at once God’s gift of grace, God’s means of grace, and God’s call to respond to that grace. Through Baptism, Jesus Christ calls us to repentance, faithfulness, and discipleship. Through Baptism, the Holy Spirit gives the Church its identity and commissions the Church for service in the world.” – PC(USA) Book of Order W-3.0402
Baptisms are scheduled through Lisa Crumpler, Pastoral Executive Assistant at 919-834-3425, ext. 222. Baptisms are held during Sunday morning worship and are officiated by a WMPC pastor. You may provide all the information needed to schedule a baptism using this link.
Prior to the Baptism, parents of children under three will attend the Baptism and Belonging workshop. In this workshop, parents learn about the significance of the Sacrament of Baptism, go over logistical details, connect with fellow parents, and get an overview of a child’s faith journey at WMPC. Dinner and childcare are provided. Baptism and Belonging is offered multiple times throughout the year. Check the Events page to find out when the next workshop is offered. Dinner and childcare are provided. Contact Anne Galliher with questions.
The Lord’s Supper is served on the second Sunday of the month at each worship service, as well as at special worship services, and all are invited to participate. If you, or someone you know, would like communion but are unable to attend worship, we are happy to provide communion in your home. Please call Jim Ferry at 919-834-3424, ext. 208 to schedule a home communion visit.
Funerals, which are called Services of Witness to the Resurrection at White Memorial, call the community of faith to celebrate the lives of those who have joined the Church Triumphant, and to acknowledge Christ’s victory over death through the Resurrection.
Services of Witness to the Resurrection are held throughout the year. Members of the vocal choirs and of the congregation at large volunteer to form the Witness to the Resurrection Choir for each service. Contact Karl Zinsmeister about participating in this ministry.
A booklet entitled In Life and in Death We Belong to God offers additional guidance regarding services of Witness to the Resurrection. This booklet is available in the church office. Additionally, use this form to plan and document your personal preferences.
Marriage is a gift God has given to all humankind for the well-being of the entire human family. (from the Book of Order, W-4.9000)
Find additional wedding information below.
Weddings can be scheduled only for members of White Memorial Presbyterian Church and their immediate family members. The member is required to have been an active member in the life of White Memorial Presbyterian Church for a minimum of six months before a wedding will be scheduled.
Scheduling demands do not permit us to accommodate non-member weddings; further, we believe that an established relationship with our worshiping community is an integral component of the sacred celebration of marriage. To schedule a wedding date, contact the Pastoral Executive Assistant, Lisa Crumpler, at 919-834-3425, ext. 222. Weddings are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Our booklet titled Preparation for Weddings is available to all potential wedding couples.