Vintage Small Groups Signup Period Ending

January 26, 2024

“Vintage Small Groups” are forming now for a 6-week winter series beginning the week of February 4. These intergenerational groups of 5-12 people will have the option to meet in homes, online or on WMPC’s campus at the day and time of their choosing. Groups will utilize a video curriculum produced by WMPC in partnership with author Karen Wright Marsh. Based on her book Vintage Saints and Sinners, each video will introduce you to a “saint,” a brother or sister in our Christian faith who comes from a different time and place, but who has something to teach us about how to live and follow Christ in this time and in this place. There is no preparation required, simply show up for your group at the decided upon time. Interested?

Please fill out the form below and we will get you in a small group.