Social Media Addiction

Mental Health & Wellness Ministry   -  

Are your children and/or family members struggling with screen overuse at home?  Stop fighting about this and start thriving!  Is anyone in your family is in screen trouble?  Take the Screen Assessment Quiz below.

Screen Assessment Quiz

  1. Are screens the only thing that puts your child in a good mood?
  2. Is screen use increasing over time?
  3. Does your child use screen time as an escape?
  4. Is your child unhappy when forced to unplug?
  5. Does your child sneak around and lie about screen use?
  6. Are screens interfering with family activities, friendships, or school?


If you feel your child fits at least two or these warning signs your child may be at-risk for problematic screen use.

If your child fits more than two, your child may be screen dependent!

At our ScreenStrong workshop—Kids’ Brains and Screens in January 2024, several resources were offered. Please refer to the following links for more information.

Internet Matters:
Healthy Screen Habits:

(Brought to you by the Mental Health and Wellness Team, part of Congregational Care Ministry.)